Becoming Yourself

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A story of a journey that can lead you
to become your true self.

Many of us have had to conform to survive, adapt to our surroundings and, in this process, we got further away from who we truly are in our hearts. Although we did what was necessary at the time, it does not mean it is still necessary now!

Give yourself grace and start to look it as if what protected you in the past is helping you in the present.

“Feels like life is taking over, feels like it’s meant to be.” - Rebelution
(One of the songs on my playlist that just happened to be playing when I was writing this post.)
Coincidence, I think not! Haha

Just stop fighting it. Stop blocking yourself from your true self & who YOU WANT TO BE!

My story:
(if you don’t want to read about this part just skip to “How to become closer to yourself”. No worries, I don’t always like to read about the history of THE recipe… I just want to know how to make the muffins! (LOL)

In my life (don’t worry-short version), I have had to adapt to my situations, my multiple new environments, etc. It wasn’t easy as a kid, or even in adulthood, but I can tell you how looking back has helped me to help others. I don’t think I can say it helped me find out who I really am because I think I have always had that feeling. My different life situations actually got me further away from that, but I did learn how I could help others by pulling women out of a place they did not want to be within themselves.

It did help me learn about what a strong individual I am.

I even tell my child, let my hardships help you to not go through them yourself. Why go through something that you don’t have to, right? Also, it helps me to encourage her to keep coming back to her true self so she doesn’t have to go looking for it later in life. As a teenager, she has and will come across this so often, as we all did.

I know I did and, unfortunately, I lost myself for a very long time, only truly finding myself through reflection, hardships, training, listening to books, podcasts, special individuals, and turning to mother nature.

Mother nature has always been around me since I was a child. I have a special bond with her that reminds me who I am and who I am meant to be (yup, that hippy shit, as my mom would say hehe).

I am joyfully and fiercely getting back to that in the last 4 years with serious work, although I have been trying to do this, with some success, in the last decade, but not without drawbacks.

As far as our “drawbacks” and “failures” go, I need you to be aware that these actually aren’t either. They ONLY ARE if you don’t come out of that shit. Otherwise, it is just getting you closer to where you really want to be in your life.

How to become closer to yourself:

  1. Journaling

  2. Reflecting

  3. Learning

  4. Try new shit (a/k/a THINGS! haha)

  5. Do the things you have always wanted to and stop just F’ing thinking about them

Going into a little more detail about these items above and how they can help you…

Journaling can be amazing and help you get things off your chest, out of your head, and get more into your heart. Sometimes the things we write down help us to purge what’s going on with us, whatever it is we are battling. Many times, these journal writings can have the answers to some things we are struggling with. We are our own best friend, we have our own answers to a better life, freedom from our past, and our wants for our future.

Reflecting can help you start looking at where you were, where you are and where you want to be. Sometimes, we get in a place in our life and we are feeling, “How in the hell did I get here.” Well, you need to know the answer to that to make things change and head in a different direction.

With reflecting, it helped me do some self-realization about “what the hell was I thinking,” changing that path to where I actually wanted to go and not going in the direction where my past patterns took over trying to protect me.

I don’t need “protecting” anymore… I need me!

Learning can help you with reflection and trying different things that can bring you closer to where you are meant to be. Listen to conversations, podcasts, read books, attend a training session, etc. DO THINGS that will help you get closer to yourself and tap into your mind.

You will be learning more about yourself as you decide to make changs and embrace yourself.

Trying new shit can get you out of the crappy comfort zone. Being in a comfort zone will keep you trapped… that’s why you feel trapped friend, because you aren’t making changes.

DO the things you have always wanted to and stop just thinking about them. This obviously goes with new things, but the things you dreamt about said “some day,” and you pushed them aside because “it’s just a dream.” Get out of that thinking! Do the things you have wanted, it will help you get closer to yourself and who you are.

I have NEVER regretted doing something I have ALWAYS wanted to do — it has empowered me. It has showed me what a cool human I am. Don’t suppress that.

My hope:
I hope this post finds you if you are needing this message.
I hope this post infects you with a fever to start rediscovering yourself.
I hope this post acknowledges the hardships you have created for yourself, BUT I also hope you thank yourself for that… you were only protecting your spirit to come back out one day!


Peace, Love and Good Vibes to you friend.

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